Today I locked myself out of the guest bedroom at my sisters home. Two puppies inside. Luckily I realized my error immediately. I pulled out the wallet ready to perform magic with the master card. An hour later the door was bruised, my cards were worthless and my intentions were thwarted.
Frustration: Having your plans or desires hindered, defeated or nullified.
I had awoken with gran ambitions of experiencing a joyful day. I planned to play with nieces and puppies then to walk to Starbucks to study, read, pray and write about something momentous.
Instead I kneeled by the massive door with bent forks, miscellaneous knives, twisted cards, ineffective tools, and attempted suggestions scatterred all around me. Perhaps someone more positive would simply laugh it off and enjoy the moment. Maybe someone more spiritual could pray it open. More money could have simply and stress-freely paid it off. Of course, someone more equipped could have quickly opened it. And they did: one man, right tools, good experience, short drive, five minutes of work and $109... The problem was solved.
I get frustrated too quickly. Annoyed by work. Short with my wife. Avoiding certain people. Being cold to the difficult people. Being hard on myself.
It's not good.
Good thing Jesus said, "and when you are frustrated, here are three simple things to do to feel relieved..."
Nope. Jesus never said that. The feeling of frustration is never tackled head on like that. So what is the root of frustration? Desiring control and not being able to maintain control.
Now control is something the Bible does talk about. From beginning to end we learn that God is in control and we are not. God is sovereign. We are subjects. Subjects to shifts in plans. Subjects to the decisions of others. Subjects to a universe who doesn't conform to us. Subjects, not sovereigns.
I'm sure I'll probably be frustrated again soon. But here is a reminder to me: Stop. Breathe. Sigh out the angst. Pray a little prayer. Know that while I'm subject to thwarting, God is still God. And God is good. The feelings will pass (and quicker if I remember my reminder). Then... move on... leave it behind... smile... and allow a new plan to arise in the new surroundings.
It's 4:40. It's time to move on to a new moment right now //
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