Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome Back Guys

  A solider greets his family at the airport earlier this December.
Welcome back guys.  

If I'm not careful, I can get an bad attitude when I fly: TSA, bag checks, extra fees, expensive airport food, small seats... and on and on. 

But then I see these guys spread throughout the airport. 

Some of these soldiers have been away from their family for a year or so.  Some of these soldiers have seen things that no person should have to seen other than in Mission Impossible, Modern Warfare or other screened viewing events.  Some of these soldiers have left behind newly born babies, newly wed wives and newly left behind parents.  

As much as I've had the PRIVILEGE to travel: I've never seen a rude soldier (though I have seen rude civlilians).  I've never seen an impatient young man or woman even though they have been traveling for longer hours than the rest of us.  I've never seen pushy, profane or annoying military personel.  Maybe you have, but I haven't.  It makes me think... if they can do the DUTY of travel with grace after going through so much, maybe the rest of us who have the PRIVILEGE to travel can choose to be as gracious as they are.

So welcome back guys.  Thanks for your duty and the grace in which you do it.  You are a great example and reminder for all of us.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Inactivity

Here we are sitting around simply being.  Yesterday we gave gifts and we shared stories; we laughed, we ate, and we played.  Today - just being together.  

It's Christmas - the WORD BECAME FLESH.  The scripture does not say that on the day Jesus was born that he performed any great activity. (Incidently the day was most likely not Dec 25th... but that's besides the point.)  No, on the day Jesus was born all he did was sleep and do other activities that babies do.  So to celebrate Jesus' birth let's do the same.  Let's rest.  Let's enjoy.  Let's sleep the afternoon away.  

Be careful not to get so caught up in activity that you forget to enjoy the simple pleasure of being together. 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

First Impressions

When I saw her... a smile filled her face.  A friend's child was laughing in her arms. Beautiful.

My thought? "She would be an incredible mother."  Letters followed.  A long pause.  Text messages.  Phone talks.  Trips.  Now 4 years later we are married and we are hoping to make that thought come true.

Here's to prayer, love, hoping and beautiful kids.